Analytical Services > View by Sample Type > Gas > Bacterial > BG-3
Compositional | Natural Gas | Mudgas | Dissolved Gas
BG-3: Level 3 Bacterial Gas Characterization
Applications: Useful for distinguishing landfill gases from sewer gases or other bacterial gases, or differentiating gases from different landfills. Also provides information on migrational changes that may have occurred and thus on migration pathway. Allows calculating mixing ratios for mixtures of bacterial gas and natural gas.
Sample size required: 5 liters of methane. Total sample size depends on CH4 concentration. For example, if sample only contains 10% CH4 at least 50 liters must be submitted.
Analyses includes: All analyses in BG-1 and BG-2 plus radiometric determination of 14C and 3H (tritium) in CH4.
Expected Turnaround Time: |
Standard Service |
30 business days |
Priority Service |
15 business days |
Rush Service* |
*Advance arrangements required for RUSH SERVICE |