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High-Precision Isotopic Analysis

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Sampling Products > Other > IsoTrap®

IsoJar | Cylinder | Dissolved Gas Container | Gas Bag | IsoScrubber


The H2S IsoTrap, from the inventors of the IsoTube, is designed to help identify the source of H2S when encountered. Since hydrogen sulfide cannot be shipped via air when at toxic concentrations, the IsoTrap converts the H2S into a non-hazardous material so that samples can be shipped by any means, including air—without HAZMAT training.

The preferred method for collecting H2S samples with an IsoTrap is to use our IsoTrap Sampler. This device was specifically designed for collecting samples from pressurized sources and helps to regulate pressure and control flow through the IsoTrap. The design incorporates color coding to ensure the sample flows in the proper direction. Samples can then be returned to Isotech for isotope analysis. No HAZMAT shipping is required!



IsoTrap Product Flyer (PDF)

IsoTrap Sampling Instructions (PDF)

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Do you need sulfur isotopic analysis?

IsoTraps, liquids and solids are analyzed via EA-IRMS.

 © 2020 Stratum Reservoir (Isotech) 1308 Parkland Court | Champaign Illinois 61821